Why women choose to be sexy ?

Soha Ali khan the bold beauty of Bollywood started showing her assets and she is making some shocking comments that's tempting youth. Soha is all set ready to sport in full length Bikini role for a fiction film and she is preparing for some bold looks of her for this sexy movie. Speaking about women choosing to be sexy she said  "Women today are perhaps more comfortable with their bodies onscreen — I remember reading a whole article about the Great Indian White Bra of the 1970s and '80s... censorship rules did not and still do not allow for nudity in cinema and so the bra had huge symbolic importance." "The villain would lunge for the woman's blouse in a dastardly attempt to rob her of her virtue, revealing 'the white bra'. But that's as far as it went and the rest was left to imagination. Today, when I glance at magazine covers, film posters and watch movie songs, it is quite the norm to see bikini-clad women or women in more revealing attire. It's no longer on the fringes or an act of rebellion, it's quite mainstream. And a woman in lingerie is seen not as a victim who's been forcefully disrobed, but as a confident woman who chooses to dress a particular way because she wants to. To be sexy no longer carries any negative connotations. Having said that, sex appeal doesn't have to be in your data-face or obvious, it can be subtle and disarming as well. Madhubala could make a man swoon with the raise of an eyebrow, Meena Kumari with her breathy dialogue delivery. Every woman has sex appeal, she just needs to discover where hers lies and how to use it responsibly!" 

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